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India - central Asia policy

Background The central Asia region consists of the 5 countries Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan. All this countries were formerly the part of USSR ( Soviet union ). They share key border with Russia, China, Europe, the Caspian sea , Iran , Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is this the geostrategic location of central Asian countries which makes them a critical partner for India. Apart from the strategic importance the central Asian republic is also blessed with natural resources ranging from oil and gas, uranium, and precious metal. This important characteristics of the region makes the region very important for India and other major super power in the world.  India however has shared very close relationship with the region. Since, the days of the Soviet era. India had a trading relationship with the central Asian countries many defence equipments imported from USSR were developed in the factories which today are based in CAR ( Central Asian regio...
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Reason for high taxation on Crypto income

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Closing up of schools in Covid , not a good decision

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