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Current situation
Russia mobilized around 1 lakh troops near ukraine border this attempt was made to send western countries a message that Russia is trying to make an invasion on ukraine.


1. Russia wants to prevents it's fear of influence in the eastern European countries ( which are neighbours of Russia) which is on decline through the years as many of this European countries have joined NATO which is led by USA. During cold war era this countries were part of Soviet union which got disintegrated as the cold war came to an end in 1991.
2. NATO is a military alliance led by USA & western European countries formed in 1949. The main motive was to protect any member country , which is facing any military aggression from any other country.
3. Since, then Russia is treating NATO as it may damage its influence in the neighbouring countries. And that is what happened .Then in 2014 Russia captured crimean Peninsula of Ukraine(important strategic place) surrounded by black sea which led to the share of words and situation get heated up between Russia and USA. That's why USA removed Russia from G-8 and imposed sanctions on Russia.
4. Energy geopolitics between Russia & USA over the European oil & resources has also led to rise of tension in eastern Europe. Most of the oil & gas demands are supplied by Russia through Ukraine. USA wants to capture Russia's oil and gas market.
5. Russia and Germany also have strong economic, strategic, ties between them . They are also working on gas pipeline project known as Nord stream pipeline. This will help Russia not to depend on Ukraine for their oil and gas trade with other countries as of now Russia transport it's oil and gas resource through Ukraine only. 
6. Domination of Russia over the energy market of Europe directly affects the USA. Which is stopping them to become a major source of oil& gas. That's why European union and USA has opposed this project. All this has led to rise of tension between Russia and Ukraine

USA stand on this issue

USA and other European countries do not want to interfere in this directly but they are threating Russia by imposing economic sanctions over the Russian companies based in US and also on the president Putin. This countries are hoping that this sanctions will acts as a deterrent and prevent Russia to take agressive actions against Ukraine
In return the Russia wants a guarantee from the US & NATO that they will stop their expansion in the eastern European countries and will restrict all the military exercises in the region .


Being a very old and close friend of Russia , India is indirectly inclined towards the Russia on this issue.
India has called for a peaceful resolution of matter through diplomacy so that long term peace and stability could be maintained in the region.
In 2014, during the crimean crises India backed the Russia by voting in favour in UN which indirectly shows support of India to Russia. President Putin also praise India for its restrain and objectivity which it had displayed over the crimean crises. 
In 2020, Ukraine again brought up a resolution in UN regarding human rights violation by Russia over the crimean region . In this case Indian again voted in favour of Russia. 
Whereas on other hand, Russia has also shown its support to India over the Kashmir issue whenever it's brought up by Pakistan. Russia also supported india on this issue as well. 
Hope you enjoyed reading this! 😃
